Readers on Readers

By Steven Leiva

I recently ran into a type error at work involving a monad transformer stack with multiple Reader monads and multiple environments. I have distilled the problem to its essential components below:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-18.2 exec ghci --package mtl

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

import           Control.Monad.Reader

firstReader :: MonadReader env m => Int -> SqlPersistT m ()
firstReader i = do
  _   <- secondReader -- run a computation

  env <- lift ask -- get the `env` 

  -- more work using the `env` environment

  pure ()

secondReader :: MonadReader Int m => SqlPersistT m ()
secondReader = undefined

-- Note: This is a dummy type synonym, but it motivates the reason for the
-- multiple Reader monads.
type SqlPersistT = ReaderT Char

The idea here is that we are in a monad - SqlPersistT - which can perform database actions. That monad and that is stacked upon another monad that requires its own environment.

If we run the script above, we will get a type error that boils down to env does not match Int. Let's try to figure out how we ended up with this type error.

Unifying the Types

It is always good exercise to try to determine how GHC is arriving at a particular type error. We can re-write firstReader:

firstReader :: MonadReader env m => Int -> SqlPersistT m ()
firstReader i =
    >> (do
         env <- lift ask
         pure ()

And then, we can convert from infix notation to prefix:

firstReader :: MonadReader env m => Int -> SqlPersistT m ()
firstReader i = (>>)
    env <- lift ask
    pure ()

The lexical order of the expression now mirrors order in which expression are being applied. We can now proceed to the unification of the types.

One of the most important rules regarding type unification exercises is that we want to apply an expression to a single argument at a time. This is simply how Haskell works (remember, all functions are curried), and it has the enormously beneficial consequence that we only have to think of two expressions at a time. In our case, we want to apply >> :: m a -> m b -> m b to secondReader :: MonadReader Int m => SqlPersistT m ().

>> :: m a -> m b -> m b

secondReader :: MonadReader Int m => SqlPersistT m ()

Another important rule of type unfication exercises is that we want to use unique type variables among the two expressions that we are comparing. For example, because both >> and secondReader use the m type variable name, we will have to change one of them to something these:

>> :: m a -> m b -> m b

secondReader :: MonadReader Int m0 => SqlPersistT m0 ()

Now, we can proceed to match m a to SqlPersistT m0 (). In other words, if m a ~ SqlPersistT m0 (), that implies that m ~ SqlPersistT m0 and a ~ (). We can remove the firt argument to >>, and then replace the resulting type signature with that information:

-- Remove the first argument in the type signature to `>>`
>> secondReader :: m b -> m b

-- Replace m ~ SqlPersistT m0
-- Replace a ~ ()
>> secondReader :: SqlPersistT m0 b -> SqlPersistT m0 b

-- Add constraints that we know about:
>> secondReader :: MonadReader Int m0 => SqlPersistT m0 b -> SqlPersistT m0 b

Now, let's apply >> secondReader to the do expression. Here, we can take a shortcut to figure out the type of the do expression. We know that pure () ~ SqlPersistT m (), and that that will be the type of the entire do expression.

>> secondReader :: MonadReader Int m0 => SqlPersistT m0 b -> SqlPersistT m0 b

<do expression> :: MonadReader env m => SqlPersistT m ()

SqlPersistT m0 b ~ SqlPersistT m () implies that SqlPersistT ~ SqlPersistT, m0 ~ m and b ~ (). Again, we can get rid of an argument to >> secondReader, and then replace the type variable left with the information we know.

-- Remove the first argument to the type signature `>> secondReader`
>> secondReader <do expression> :: MonadReader Int m0 => SqlPersistT m0 b

-- Replace `m0` with `m`
-- Replace `b` with `()`
>> secondReader <do expression> :: MonadReader Int m => SqlPersistT m ()

-- Add constraints we know about:
>> secondReader <do expression> :: (MonadReader env m, MonadReader Int m) => SqlPersistT m ()

Now, we can clearly see our type error. The first constraint MonadReader env m disagres with MonadReader Int m. Let's look at the head of the MonadReader type class declaration:

class Monad m => MonadReader r m | m -> r where

The first constraint is saying that the m will resolve the r to env, and the second constraint is saying that the m will resolve the r to Int. Our two constraints disagree with one another.


With that diversion into a type unfication exercise done, we can continue on how to define firstReader in terms of secondReader. firstReader has an Int in scope, which we want to use as the environment for secondReader. We can do this by using runReaderT to satisfy the MonadReader constraint:

firstReader :: MonadReader env m => Int -> SqlPersistT m ()
firstReader i = do
  backend <- ask
  _ <- runReaderT (runReaderT secondReader backend) i

  pure ()

Why does the above compile? Well, remember that secondReader is a monad transformer stack, where the first transformer is ReaderT. We can "peel this transformer off" using runReaderT. Critically, the value that we are left with has the type MonadReader Int env, which we can also peel off using runReaderT!

Using mapReaderT

The above solution is perfectly valid, but there is a more idiomatic solution - mapReaderT. As the documentation states, mapReaderT allows us to "transform the computation inside a ReaderT". That's exactly what we are looking for!

firstReader :: MonadReader env m => Int -> SqlPersistT m ()
firstReader i = do
  _ <- mapReaderT (\m -> runReaderT m i) secondReader
  pure ()

mapReaderT is giving us access to the computation inside of secondReader, which has the type MonadReader Int m => m (). Again, we use runReaderT to satisfy the MonadReader Int m constraint!


Given my previous experience with these subjects, this post served to reinforce previously learned lessons.

In terms of type unification exercises, there is a simple algorithm that works for me:

  1. Re-write the expression into something that is lexically mirrors the order of application
  2. Do one application at a time
  3. Make sure that the type variables in a given application are unique between the two expressions

In terms of dealing with monadic expression:

  1. We can "peel off" the outter monadic structure by using the runX functions for that monad (unless, of course, if we are dealing with IO).